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Jessica Marie Forsyth - Online Memorial Website

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Jessica Forsyth
Born in California
14 years
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"Why waist your short childhood life trying to be grown up?"Jessica Forsyth

This memorial website was created to remember our dearest Jessica Marie Forsyth who was taken from us on Febuary 6 2008 due to a horse back riding accident. Only 14 years old Jessica was an amazing rider and person, and loved her horse Boomer more than anything else in the world. Jess loved to have fun as you will see in her pictures. The horse world lost an amazing rider but I lost my best friend. I didn't even get to say goodbye. This is my goodbye to you Jess, we all miss you so, especially Boomer.


To learn more about Jessica go to:





Jessica and Boomer; T-shirts, Mugs, Bags and more can be purchased at...


every penny goes to Jessica's memorial fund

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